Wait for biopsy results. Wait for the doctor appointment. Wait to get radiation. Wait for it to take effect. Wait for the steroids to start working. Wait for the steroids to be weaned away. Wait for the treatment that may actually reverse the melanoma monster that is trying to devour my sweet daddy.
I DONT WAIT WELL. Especially now. Every day is a bit more bad news, a little weaker body, a lot more cancer.
So it seems that every other day, at least one of my friends will send me this verse: Those that wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings with Eagles. They will walk and not faint. They will run and not grow weary. (Isaiah 40:31).
Seems like waiting must be what we are called to do. Lazarus, Mary and Martha can tell you a thing or two about waiting. Lazarus was Jesus' best friend and when he became ill, they sent word to Jesus. Lazarus needed some Jesus-style chemo! The disciples were with Jesus when he received the news. I'm sure they thought, "saddle up your donkeys guys, he's gonna want to go to Lazarus right away". But instead, Jesus went the opposite direction. He knew the bigger picture.
Meanwhile, Mary and Martha tried to keep Lazarus going while they waited. Alas, Lazarus died. That's when Jesus arrived. "You are too late!", they said. "He's already dead". But His timing is always perfect. He raised Lazarus from the dead. And that story really needed to happen, to teach us all that when Jesus performs a healing, it is used to bring glory to God. That's the bigger picture. Healing isn't for our comfort or victory. Healing is for God's glory.
Are you tired of waiting for something? It's not time to worry, fear or doubt. Even Jesus' best friend had to wait. And imagine how their faith was strengthened after such a miracle!
So I'm good with waiting. While I'm waiting, I'm watching and praying. And trusting. Soaring with Eagles, is worth the wait. Don't you think?
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